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NEC Baby Formula lawsuit

NEC Baby Formula lawsuit

Recent studies have shown that the baby formulas prescribed for premature infants may be the cause of serious diseases, including the deadly condition  Necrotizing Enterocolitis (NEC). There is now litigation looking to compensate the families of the victims of defective products that may be the cause of these diseases. 

Doctors and physicians have for long prescribed various baby formula supplements to premature infants to aid in their growth and gaining of weight. These are usually babies born at least 2 to 3 weeks prior to their expected delivery date, resulting in underdeveloped babies  unable to sustain normal climatic conditions. These products, such as Similac and Enfamil,  are linked to NEC formation in premature infants, resulting in death or serious long-term effects.

A 1990 Lancet study established a link between some cow milk based baby formulas, such as Similac and Enfamil, with NEC. More recent studies, including the Journal of Pediatrics 2013, have compared the risks associated with feeding infants breast milk and these bovine baby formulas. Breastfed babies were 90% less likely to suffer from NEC, while those fed with bovine baby formulas like Similac and Enfamil were more susceptible. And these results affirmed the Lancet 1990 study, which was the first to establish the connection between NEC and these supplements.

What is NEC?

Necrotizing Enterocolitis (NEC) is a severe intestinal condition that mainly affects premature infants. The disease causes inflammation and tissue death in their bowels, and holes in affected parts of the intestines. NEC is believed to be related to an imbalance of bacteria in the intestines and low blood flow to the area. Studies showing that bovine formulas may be the cause of this condition make it clear that anyone whose child has been affected by NEC needs to explore their legal options. 

Despite the information linking these formulas to NEC, they are still being produced and widely prescribed, and mortality rates in premature infants continue to rise. Recently, the British Medical Journal published a study that exposed some unethical practices of companies behind these bovine baby formulas.The pioneers behind Similac and Enfamil may have manipulated their clinical product trials to refute the claims that their products were harmful for human consumption.Subsequent reviews by researchers would later term these product trials unreliable due to their lack of transparency.

Now that the link has been established, there  is solid evidence that these bovine baby formula companies are aware their products are unsafe for premature infant  consumption. Many families that have been affected are currently filing product liability cases.

Symptoms of NEC

If you suspect that your child may have suffered from NEC, please contact our firm today. 

Symptoms of NEC include 

  •       Diarrhea
  •       Red patches on the abdomen
  •       Low blood pressure
  •       Abnormality in breathing patterns

NEC Baby Formula Lawsuit

There is now litigation beginning against the manufacturers of these products. Anyone who has lost a child to this condition should immediately contact our firm. NEC is a serious intestinal infection that can even induce long-term intestinal issues if your infant survives the crisis, and parents of survivors should also look to protect their legal rights. .

At their core, Similac and Enfamil are derived from cow milk, which is the suspected underlying cause of NEC. Despite the makers of Similac and Enfamil being aware of this claim, these products still dominate the market and they have yet to add any warning labels to the products, nor have they instituted any kind of recall. .  

Product liability litigation against  these manufacturers is the best way to protect your legal rights. Victims can receive compensation for medical costs, as well as pain and suffering. Contact our firm today. 

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